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Headteacher's Welcome



“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”  

Matthew 13: 31-32 (Parable of the Mustard Seed)

On behalf of the children, staff and governors, I am very pleased to welcome you to Trinity All Saints C of E Primary School – a smaller than average school in the heart of the thriving market town of Bingley situated in the Airedale Valley. Our EYFS includes a 3-year-old Nursery, and we have our own wrap-around-care facility – Trinity Plus.

I am very proud to be Headteacher of our school, leading a team of dedicated staff and working closely with families to provide the best opportunities for all children to fulfil their potential.  Our school vision, rooted in the Parable of the Mustard Seed, teaches us that ‘We can all GROW to be GREAT in God’s love.’ We aim for all children who attend Trinity All Saints to feel happy and safe and be provided with the necessary skills, knowledge and experiences to ‘grow into the best version of themselves, both socially and academically. By encouraging pupils to be ‘active learners’, ‘contented souls’ and ‘thoughtful citizens’ (our curriculum drivers), children will leave at the end of Year 6 as confident and responsible members of society, ready to continue to secondary school for the next stage of their education.

Our school is at the heart of the community and places great emphasis on its relationships with pupils, parents and other members of the community. We are especially proud of our link with the “Bingley Community Kitchen”, a charity based on our site whose vision is to “Develop a healthier, more food-secure community.” We also value our strong links with our two school churches: Holy Trinity and All Saints CE.

We are caring and inclusive and welcome all children to our school community – striving to find the right balance of support and challenge to help children to make good progress and be the best that they can be academically, emotionally and spiritually. We put the children at the heart of everything that we do. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and maximise the opportunities our extensive school grounds and local area have to offer. Children benefit from participation in sporting and music opportunities, can take on leadership roles to develop their confidence, regularly access our very own ‘cookery school’ and have a range of computing opportunities on offer.

Our school website has lots of information about all aspects of school life and I hope you find it useful and informative. It can, of course, only give a snapshot of life at Trinity All Saints and I warmly invite you to visit us in person to see our amazing pupils, committed staff, wonderful grounds and welcoming environment. Should you have any further questions, please contact the school office, and we will be very happy to help.

Rachel Timms - Headteacher