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British Values Statement

We understand and respect democracy  We encourage a democratic culture by involving students in decision-making processes, such as electing representatives for our school council. This fosters a sense of civic responsibility and an understanding of the democratic system. Some examples of democracy in school include: A school council that has made positive changes in school, regular dialogic lessons, consistent pupil voice, house points collectively earned by each team and rewards chosen and voted for by the children.

We understand and respect the rule of law  We teach the importance of rules and laws, ensuring that students understand the consequences of their actions. This helps instil a respect for authority and an appreciation for the concept of justice. Some examples of the rule of law in school include: United Values Class charter written by each class, our child-friendly tree of growth behaviour policy, visits from the police and fire authorities, and bike ability to understand the rules of road safety.

We respect individual liberty  Pupils are encouraged to express themselves, make choices, and pursue their interests within the framework of a respectful and inclusive community. This promotes a sense of personal responsibility and freedom. Some examples of individual liberty in school include: Facilitation and promotion of the ACT curriculum in and out of school, encouraging independence and personal development through continuous provision in EYFS and year 1 and in the common room for KS2, an anti-bullying and nurturing culture through school, and assigning responsibilities to a variety of pupil leaders in school.

We nurture mutual respect and support equality  We create an environment where respect for others, regardless of differences, is emphasised. This includes promoting positive behaviour, tolerance, and an appreciation for diversity including understanding and respecting different faiths and beliefs. We also actively promote equality and fairness, ensuring that all students have equal opportunities and are treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of their background, gender, or other characteristics. Some examples of mutual respect and equality in school include: using restorative practice to resolve conflict, visits to a wide variety of places of worship, teaching our PSHE and RE curriculum to promote understanding of differences and equality, visitors from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.